Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Corones Hotel

If you're ever in Charleville (as I am this week) make sure you visit Corones Hotel in Wills St.

It was built in grand style by a Greek migrant (Harry Corones) who was the first of his countrymen to own a pub licence in Queensland.

For a long time, this pub was the centre of the universe in western Queensland, and the cream of the squattocracy drank, danced, and celebrated here.

It was patronized by royalty and boasted (for a long time) the biggest bar in the Southern hemisphere.

It fell on hard times, but has been partially restored and once again operates as a working pub. Some compromises have been necessary - the old dance hall now operates as a bottle shop. It's worth dropping in for a bottle of plonk, just to look at the ceiling.

You can have a meal in the impressive dining room in the evening, or join a daily guided tour of the building.

The photos are iPhoned, so not the best quality, but they provide
an indication of how the place looks.

Why the shots of the toilets? The signage and decor reflect a gentler and more refined age.

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  Image courtesy 6PR I came across this post  the other day. I have never met Normie Rowe, but have deep respect for him as a fellow Vietna...